Israeli Nationals

One of the great achievements of passing the Israeli National Health Insurance Law in 1995, is that practically the entire Israeli population is now insured.
Under the National Health Insurance Law:

• Every Israeli citizen is entitled to health care services under the National Health Insurance Law.
• Every resident has a right to register as a member of a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) of his/her choice, free of any preconditions or limitations stemming from his/her age or the state of his/her health.
• Every resident has a right to receive, via the HMO of which she or he is a member, all of the services included in the medical services basket, subject to medical discretion, and at a reasonable quality level, within a reasonable period of time and at a reasonable distance from his/her home.
• Each member has a right to receive the health services while preserving the member’s dignity, privacy and medical confidentiality.
• Every Israeli resident has the right to transfer from one HMO to another.
• Each member has a right to select the service providers, such as doctors, caregivers, therapists, hospitals and institutes, from within a list of service providers who have entered into an agreement with the HMO to which the member belongs, and within the arrangements in place for the selection of the service providers, and which the HMO publishes from time to time.
• Each member has a right to know which hospitals and institutes, and other service providers are included in the agreement with the HMO, and what are the selection processes at the HMO.
• Each member has a right to see and to receive a copy of the HMO regulations.
• Each resident has a right to receive from the HMO complete information concerning the payment arrangements in place in the HMO for health services as well as the HMO’s plans offered for additional health services (CIP).
• Each member has a right to complain with the Public Inquiries commissioner at the medical institute that treated the member, to the person in charge of investigating member complaints at the HMO of which s/he is a member, or to the complaints commissioner for the national health insurance law in the Ministry of Health.
• Each member has a right to file suit at the district labour court.
As every Israeli Citizen has Health insurance, some may question the logic behind travelling to Cyprus for surgery. Our research has established the following reasons which drive Israeli Nationals to use our services and travel to Cyprus for surgery. Patients will utilize GMS when they have:
• Israeli National Health Insurance and want treatment immediately, thereby avoiding the long waiting lists.
Increased demand and changes in legislation have overwhelmed the National Health System, leaving many patients feeling deserted and dejected with delays in treatment due to long waiting lists. Our background, professional relationships, partnerships and extensive knowledge of the Israeli National Health Insurance System provides us with the know-how to obtain pre approval from the Government for your surgery – in Cyprus – immediately with your chosen Israeli surgeon.
• Israeli National Health Insurance and are Seeking Access to Specific Surgeons.
GMS represents Israeli leaders in innovative surgery from different regions all over Israel and can provide access to these specialist surgeons to our Israeli patients, in Cyprus. You are now in a position to choose your surgeon from any region – again, on a pre approval basis.
• Private Healthcare Insurance and therefore have immediate choice of surgeon and location.
All major Israeli insurance companies offer Health Insurance Plans which citizens may participate in, in addition to the compulsory participation of the National Health Insurance. These private plans provide coverage for additional options for treatments. For example, in the area of elective surgery, a participant in a private insurance plan may choose the surgeon, anaesthetist, and hospital anywhere in Israel or around the world, without the need for government approval.
Patients with Private Insurance coverage can travel to GMS for surgery, on a pre- approval basis.

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